
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blog 6: Second Interview Questions

1.) Who is your mentor and where do they work?
My mentor is Brice Cocjin and he works at Unical Aviation, Inc., located in the City of Industry.

2.) What five questions (or more) will you ask them about their background?
  • What types of skill are required to reach the position of operations management?
  • What was your first management experience? At Costco Wholese? At Unical?
  • Whom would you consider influence(s) in your managerial career? Rather, who has created an impact in how you conduct your work?
  • How did you become employed at Unical?
  • How had prior managing experience and Costco and leading teams prepare you for your current position at Unical? Were there any new skills you needed to pick up on the way?
  • Were these qualities you had to learn over time or ones you’ve always had?
  • How has Unical Aviation Inc., become the commercial business it is today? Did it have humble beginnings?
  • What do you believe has made Unical a successful organization?
  • Has warehouse management and the role of a leader created a lasting effect on yourself and your character?
  • Have you ever had to overcome a weakness in leadership positions? How did you overcome these shortcomings?
  • What strengths do you possess that have made you successful in your career? 

I plan on using all of these questions, unless I decide to replace or eliminate any. 

1 comment:

  1. 5b, 6, 7b,9, 10a are yes/no questions. So you may need to rephrase. Still, if you ask at least 5, you are okay. Also, just proofread these as there are a couple of places where the question could be a bit clearer.


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